Afbau Principle
The word
afbau has been derived from German word and has the meaning building or
construction.It states that ,"the electron are filled in an atomic orbital
in the order of their increasing energy." According to their principle the
electron first enter in the subshell with minimum energy and them in the sub
shell with next higher energy.
The principle takes its name from the German, Aufbauprinzip,
"building-up principle", rather than being named for a scientist. In
fact, it was formulated by Neils Bohrs and Wolfgang Pauli in the early 1920s, and states that:
The orbitals of
lower energy are filled in first with the electrons and only then the
orbitals of high energy are filled.
This was an early application of quantum mechanics to the
properties of electron, and explained chemical properties in physical terms.
Each added electron is subject to the electric field created by the positive
charge of the atomic nucleus and the negative charge of
other electrons that are bound to the nucleus. Although in hydrogen there is no
energy difference between orbitals with the same principal quantum number n,
this is not true for the outer electrons of other atoms.
In the old quantum theory prior to quantum mechanics,
electrons were supposed to occupy classical elliptical orbits. The orbits with
the highest angular momentum are 'circular orbits' outside the inner electrons,
but orbits with low angular momentum (s- and p-orbitals)
have high orbital eccentricity, so that they get closer to the nucleus and
feel on average a less strongly screened nuclear charge.
relative energy of an orbital is determine by the principle and azimuthal quantum
number and popularly known as n+l rule. It has two parts;
The higher value of n+l
have higher energy level and lower value have lower energy level. For example; Subshell
n+l 1s 1+0=1 2s 2+0=2 2p 2+1=3 3s
3+0=3 3p
3+1=4 3d 3+2=5 4s 4+0=4 4p 4+1=5 4d 4+2=6 4f 4+3=7 and so on.
Hence,the order of energy level in different orbitals is,
1s<2s<2p<3s<3p<4s<3d<4p<5s<4d and so on. Therefore,
the 4s orbital filled before 3d.
In case of same value of
(n+l), the lower value of n has the lower energy level and higher ones have
higher energy level. For ex; 2p (2+1=3) orbitals are filled before 3s
(3+0=3) 3p(3+1=4) orbitals are filled before
4s (4+0=4) 3d (3+2=5) orbitals are filled
before 4p (4+1=5)
Hence, the lower energy level are better place for the
electrons and occupied first.The relative energy of different orbitals can be
shown below;
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
4s 4p 4d 4f
5s 5p 5d 5f
6s 6p 6d 6f
so on.
Dasu Paudel
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