Saturday, November 21, 2020

Types of Atomic Species


1. Isotopes: (Iso = same, topos = place)

Ø  Atom of the same element having same atomic number but different mass number.

Ø  They have same chemical properties and different physical properties

Ø  They contain equal number of electron and same electron configuration for e.g. a.1H1, 1H2, 1H3, b. 17C135, 17c137

Ø  Physical properties likes density, rate of diffusion etc. of isotopes are different because they depend upon the mass number

2. Isobars

Ø  Atoms of different element having same mass number but different atomic number

Ø  They have different chemical properties for e.g.
a. 6c14, 7N14
b. 18Ar4019K40, 20Ca40, etc.

3. Isotones

Ø  Atoms of different elements having the same number of neutrons e.g.
a. 6C13, 7N14
b. 1H3, 2He4, etc

4. Isosters

Ø  Species having same number of atoms and electron e.g.
a. HCl & F2
b. N2& CO
c. N2O4CO2­, etc.

5. Isodiapheres

Ø  These are the atoms of same difference in number of protons and neutrons e.g.
a. 92U235, 90Th231
b. 29Cu65, 24Cr54 etc.

6. Isomorphs

Ø  Identical crystal structure, similar constituent and chemical formulae for e.g. K2SO4, K2CrO4, (valance of S, Cr is 6)

7. Isoelectronic

Ø  Atoms or compounds having same no. of electron and electronic configuration for e.g.
a. N2O, CO2
b. H-, He, Li+
c. N2O, CO2, etc.

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